Budget Allocation and Utilization Committee
- Smt. Rajalekshmi G R, HoD in Civil Engineering
- Sri. Anoop C, HoD in Electronics Engineering
- Sri. Jyothilal G, HoD in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Sri. Manoj P S, HoD in Computer Engineering
- Smt. Sindhu Viswanath, HOD in-charge in Electronics Engineering
- Sri.Sreelal S R, HOD in-charge, Dept. of Textile Technology
- Dr. Sagar S, Associate Professor of Physics, General Department
- Sri. Sujith Kumar K V, Workshop Superindent
- Sri. Gopakumar B, Senior Superintendent
- Sri. Sanju Raj R, Junior Superintendent
- Sri.Binu T V, Head Accountant