
Anti Ragging Sqaud

Anti Ragging Sqaud Committee Members (for order Click Here)


Sri. Anoop C, Head of Department, Mechanical Engineering.


  1. Sr. Sreelal S R, Lecturer, Dept. of Textile Technology.
  2. Sri. Aravind M S, Lecturer, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
  3. Sri. Jayakrishnan M S, Demonstrator in Textile technology.
  4. Sri. Sudheer A, Workshop Instructor, General Workshop
  5. Sri. Aravind A G, Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering
  6. Sri. Sumesh Joe Cherian, Lecturer in Electronics Engineering.
  7. Sri. Unnikrishnan P, NSS Programme Officer
  8. Sri, Gireesh G Nair, NCC officer